Dryseal putts golf club roof to rights

Dryseal Approved Contractor Croft Roofing have been supplying and fitting Dryseal since 1995. Owner Tim Croft was approached by his long-standing customer Andy Harm to recommend a solution to roofing problems at Otley Golf Club. Local builder and Club member Andy had been asked to assist Secretary Peter Clarke in solving water ingress problems on the 270 m2 flat section of the Club House roof.


After an early inspection carried out in conjunction with Hambleside Danelaw, Tim found that the existing EPDM membrane covered roof was in need of an upgrade due to low levels of insulation, water ingress and ponding problems. Ejot were asked to recommend an approved fixing and carry out ‘pull-out’ tests to ensure the security of the fixings.

As the roof covers the Entrance area, Lounge and Kitchen, Tim’s workforce had to be very careful in carrying out their work. This included adding insulation, improving drainage and installing the Dryseal system whilst causing the minimum of disruption to the running of the 700 member Club. They also encapsulated the front parapet wall and replaced the original aluminium capping using joint-free Dryseal sealed copings, to minimise the chances of future problems.

“Croft Roofing have been very good and have been completely professional. The work proceeded as quoted and agreed, on time, within budget with excellent results” – Peter Clarke – Club Secretary

The original rounded river ballast finish was put aside during re-roofing work and then replaced on a new fleece layer to the main flat area, to minimise the chances of any of the original standing water being visible. In the event, the drainage measures taken by Tim’s employees resulted in a 90% reduction in the original ponding problem – a great result.

A final inspection for Guarantee was completed in July 2015, followed by completion and handover to another satisfied customer.