As a company we get great pleasure from raising money for a good reason; from the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge to soaking our Directors in aid of Cancer Research UK. We get even more joy seeing one of our own do their bit to help raise money, especially when it’s for a cause so close to our hearts.
Gary Warrington, our Sales Co-ordinator for the Zenon Rooflights and Cladding division is tightening his trainers as he takes on the Great Manchester Half Marathon – where else being a supporter of the blue side of the city. Setting himself a target of 2 hours and 15 minutes, Gary has now got until 28th May to train and smash the goal.
In 2013 Gary had the most amazing but heart-breaking moment of his life. Little Riley was born making him a dad; however he was premature and didn’t make it to see this world. “I heard him cry once, one cry I will never forget. One cry that could have broken my family or made it stronger, thanks to SANDS we have come out of it stronger.” Gary will be running this race not only for SANDS (Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Charity) but for Riley and other families who have had similar experiences.
Gary’s initial target of £250 has already been unsurprisingly reached and has now been raised to £750. To find out more about Gary’s reasons for running and to donate, visit his Just Giving page.
We will keep you updated on Gary’s pre-race progress and post-race results. Good luck Gary!