Our GRP flat roofing system Dryseal is featured as a permanent display at the NSBRC. The National Self Build and Renovation Centre is open to the public all year around, featuring quarterly events which focus on such topics as innovative green building methods and products.
We are now into our second year of showcasing Dryseal at the NSBRC but why? What benefits does it have for the system, the Hambleside Danelaw name and product visibility?
Andy Fell, Dryseal Manager is extremely positive about the centre “We were initially looking at ways to support our contractors and felt that using individual locations would be too restrictive and costly. We came to look at the Centre and felt it was fantastic. I feel that the permanent display has been worthwhile for us to highlight our top-quality system. To date, we have had over 140 leads created via the bar code scanners and at shows can meet face to face, when information and advice are initially exchanged and then followed up; a great way to build strong relationships.”
The Dryseal GRP roofing system is continually growing as an established and recognised product within the self-build and housing sectors. Having this permanent presence gives us the opportunity to continuously market Dryseal to an extremely relevant customer base. The stand markets itself as the features and benefits of Dryseal are permanently on view with literature available when
one of our team are unavailable to talk to.
Find out more information on the NSBRC or if you plan to visit the centre soon, make sure you come and see Dryseal on Stand 106.