Danelaw LR135 is a high quality medium weight, low resistance roof tile underlay for slate and tile roofs. It is suitable for unsupported applications draped over rafters or fully supported over timber sarking or rigid insulation in compliance with the requirements of BS 5534 Slating and tiling for pitched roofs. Code of Practice and BS5250 Management of moisture in buildings – Code of practice.
Product code: DLR135 1.0 – 1.0m x 50m
Product code: DLR135 1.5 – 1.5m x 50m
Hambleside Danelaw can provide a range of roof tile underlays, some with integral tape and some without. We offer underlays with a heavier weight such as the LR180 which is suitable for use in wind zones 1-5, as well as lighter weights such as the LR120 which is durable and strong.
To find out more about our underlays, get in touch with us on our contact page, or email techelp@hambleside-danelaw.co.uk.