SwiftRidg® and SwiftRidg®+ Roll Top Ridge and Hip kits are an alternative to the traditional lead or zinc roll top ridge and hip systems suitable for slates & plain tiles at pitches of 20º to 50º.
The Danelaw SwiftRidg® and SwiftRidg®+ system comprises a UV protected glass reinforced polyester (GRP) ridge and hip roll profile* manufactured to the same specification as the tried, tested and proven range of Danelaw flashings such as the ubiquitous valley troughs, Bonding Gutters, Contisoakers and continuous dry verge systems delivering a full range of matching flashing profiles to weather the roof installation. It is installed using bespoke fixing kits designed for swift and reliable installation.
With clipable components and a unique omega bracket the SwiftRidg® is provided in a 3m kit, with the SwiftRidg®+ offering a ventilated application option at ridge level.
SwiftRidg® (Code: HD SWR) and SwiftRidg®+ (Code: HD SWR+) Roll Top Ridge and Hip System is compliant with the requirements of BS 5534, BS 5250 and BS 8612.
*sold in 3m lengths
6 x Roll Bracket
6 x Roll Clip
6 x Roll Packer
6 x 60mm Stainless Steel Screw
2 x Roll End Cap
1 x 6m Vent Roll*
* Included in the SwiftRidg®+ kit option or can be purchased separately.
HD SWR SwiftRidg®
HD SWR+ SwiftRidg®+
HD SWR-PROF GRP Roll Profile (Sold Separately)