Welcome to our Profile Finder, your comprehensive resource for discovering a diverse range of roofing solutions. Whether you’re in the midst of a construction project, renovating, or simply exploring roofing options, our platform simplifies your search.
Note: Many profiles have very similar dimensions, therefore they should each be measured as accurately as possible and stated to the nearest millimetre.
Use the following to check dimensions: A = B x number of pitches B = E + F
Where roof profiles show a purlin bearing leg, please be advised that these are also available with the purlin bearing leg removed if required.
For more information on which profiles can be used for vertical application or for sinusoidal profile identification, please contact the Zenon team atsales@hambleside.danelaw.co.uk
Product Info
No Roofing Profiles found
We apologize, but it appears that there are no roofing profiles that match your current search criteria. Roofing profiles can vary significantly, making it sometimes challenging to find an exact match.
However, our search filters offer a tolerance setting, allowing you to broaden or narrow your search parameters. Adjusting this setting can help you discover products that closely align with your needs, even if there isn’t an exact match available. Feel free to tweak the tolerance setting and retry your search.