Sustainability Statement

Hambleside Danelaw’s Board & employees are committed to developing a sustainable business supplying resilient building products to our chosen markets; not only to minimise the impact of our operation but seek solutions that benefit our customers and our wider stakeholders.

Our Sustainability Policy is based on the following principles:

  • To integrate sustainability considerations into our business decisions
  • To ensure all our staff are aware and contribute to our sustainability agenda and are committed to implementing and encouraged to improve it
  • To adhere to the principles of ISO 14001 and ISO 14064, proactively ensuring our facilities and processes comply with the highest standards in carbon reduction, waste minimisation and pollution prevention.
  • To educate and inform customers in the use and deployment of our products to achieve the best outcomes in reduced embodied carbon and faster carbon payback.
  • To select and review the materials throughout the product range to ensure the minimal environmental impact and the development of new products to reduce the carbon footprint and/or energy consumption of the built environment.
  • To establish and reduce our own emissions through a reputable, verifiable and established method which reflects best practice

We will aim to do this in such a way as to secure best outcome for our suppliers, our staff, our neighbours, our customers and our shareholders.